Terry Halliday
A native New Zealander, Terry received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago, and is currently Research Professor, American Bar Foundation, an interdisciplinary institute of advanced studies on law and legal institutions. He is an Honorary Professor, Australian National University and Adjunct Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University. He has taught at the Australian National University and the University of Chicago, and has been a visiting scholar at Wolfson College, Oxford University. Terry studies and writes on the globalization of law, markets and politics. He is author or editor of ten books published by the academic presses of Cambridge, Oxford, Chicago and Stanford universities. He serves as an academic volunteer leader within the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) and frequently leads graduate student and faculty retreats and workshops across the world on the integration of faith and learning.
An elder in the Presbyterian Church USA, his avocations include biblical exposition, hiking and snow-shoeing, surfing and fiction, and enjoying the 12 grandchildren he shares with their parents and his wife, Holly. He is passionate about finding fresh ways for Christian students and scholars to think Christianly about all aspects of academic life on campuses and in scholarly worlds beyond the campus.

Luke Glanville
Luke is a scholar of International Relations at the Australian National University (ANU). He received his PhD from the University of Queensland in 2010 and then worked at Griffith University before joining ANU in 2013. He was a visiting scholar at University of British Columbia in 2016. He teaches and writes about historical, ethical, legal, and political questions about international responsibilities for the relief and protection of vulnerable populations. He has published many articles in journals including Ethics & International Affairs, European Journal of International Law, and International Studies Quarterly, as well as a book, Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect: A New History (University of Chicago Press, 2014).
See Luke’s academic bio.
Luke is passionate about pursuing creative ways of thinking Christianly about the big questions of International Relations, including thinking through the global implications of the command to love one's neighbor as oneself. One of his current projects, being undertaken in collaboration with his brother who is a theologian, involves seeking to draw together biblical theology and political theory to suggest how churches, states, and the global community might fruitfully respond to the global refugee crisis. Luke lives in Canberra, Australia, with his delightful wife, Clare, and two hilarious children.

Donald Hay
Donald Hay was an active member of the University of Oxford Department of Economics 1970-2000. His research interests included applied industrial economics, and the interface between Christian ethics and economics. His published work included one of the first papers on strategic entry deterrence in spatial markets, a paper on the impact on manufacturing firms of the Brazilian trade liberalization, a monograph (with Derek Morris, Shujie Yao, and Guy Liu) on the effects of market liberalization on Chinese manufacturing firms, and a book on Christianity and economics. He also maintained an interest in the reform of competition policy in the UK. He taught microeconomics, industrial organization (at both graduate and undergraduate level), and supervised several doctoral theses in industrial economics. He published, with Derek Morris, an advanced textbook, Industrial Economics and Organisation: Theory and Evidence (second edition, 1991).
In 2000 he became the first Head of the Division of Social Sciences in the University, a position he held for five years. During that time he had overall responsibility for the completion of the Manor Road Social Science building. He was also acting Pro Vice Chancellor for Planning and Resources 2006-7, and was responsible for the implementation of the University Resource Allocation System (the JRAM) in 2009. Since 2009 he has been fully retired. His main interest in retirement has been the development of a program, Developing a Christian Mind, to enable Christian graduate students, researchers and academics (across all disciplines) to begin to integrate their faith and their academic activities. Further details can be found at www.dcmoxford.org
His current research interests focus on Christianity and economics - especially Christian anthropology and the modeling of economic behaviour, and ethical issues related to the financial crisis.
See a video interview with Donald Hay on the origins and concept of Developing a Christian Mind in its earlier years.
See more career details and a selected list of publications in his cv.

Wendy Quay Honeycutt
InterVarsity Graduate & Faculty Ministries - Stanford University
Wendy serves as IV staff with Stanford IV Grad. She comes from an international background having been born in Malaysia and grown up in Australia. After practicing law in Melbourne for ten years, she moved to the UK where she completed her Bachelor of Theology at Oxford University, and her Masters in Systematic Theology at the University of Aberdeen. Her passions are evangelism, teaching theology, and helping graduate students and faculty articulate the connections between our Christian faith and all of life.
She is married to Jared who is completing his PhD in Immunology at Stanford. In her spare time she rides horses, cooks delicious meals with Jared and watches Star Trek episodes on Netflix.

Samuel Vaiphei
Samuel S. Vaiphei currently works with the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), Government of India, as Deputy Director in the Directorate General of GST Intelligence at Siliguri. His wide area of interests comprises Complex Systems, Black Money & Tax Evasion, Geopolitics and International Economics, Leadership, Philosophy of Physics, Technology, Science & Religion. Currently, he is involved in developing course curriculums in Responsible Governance for both secular and Christian colleges and seminaries. Prior to joining the government, he was a voluntary staff member with the UESI Delhi for 7 years, looking after ministry work among the students in and around Delhi University campus.
Samuel helps students and faculty integrate their faith with their learning, and informally guides several research scholars in various disciplines to select and produce research.

Lewis Jones
After completing his PhD in Astrophysics at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Lewis began life in Australia as a postdoc at The University of New South Wales (UNSW) researching the effects of galaxy clustering on stellar populations and is now a staff worker of The Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students. His particular role is as Director of The Simeon Network, a network of Christian staff and postgrads in Australian universities and other research institutions, seeking to live as ambassadors for Christ. Married to an Australian lass named Jenny, Lewis is enjoying raising his three children, Nathan (15), Heidi (13), and Macauley (11). He has an office at UNSW due to being one of the Presbyterian Chaplains, does some tutoring there in Leadership and Ethics for Engineers, and also serves on the UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee. Another hat that Lewis wears is as a member of the NSW Presbyterian Assembly Gospel, Society & Culture Committee. The committee seeks to develop resources to help churches understand the more technical side of issues facing our society and then to consider how applying a gospel-biblical framework will guide our ethical response. The Joneses are part of the family at Randwick Presbyterian Church in Sydney.

Ard Louis
Ard A. Louis is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Oxford, where he leads an interdisciplinary research group studying problems on the border between chemistry, physics and biology, and is also director of graduate studies in Theoretical Physics. He was a Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. Prior to his post at Oxford he taught Theoretical Chemistry at Cambridge University where he was also director of studies in Natural Sciences at Hughes Hall. He has published well over 100 papers in international journals on topics ranging from quantum measurement to biological evolution, and has given a similar number of invited talks at conferences and departments around the world.
He also engages widely in the science and religion debate. He is an associate of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. was for many years international secretary of Christian in Science, and is on the board of directors of the BioLogos Foundation, In 2013 he was elected a member of the International Society for Science and Religion.
He has appeared in many documentaries including, Test of Faith, From the Dust, and Towards Belief. In 2016, together with David Malone he made the 4-part documentary Why Are We Here for Tern TV. He most recently appeared in the series The Story of God with Morgan Freeman.
Together with his wife Mary, he helps run the Developing a Christian Mind programme at Oxford, which brings together over 100 academics at the University with postgraduate students.
He was born in the Netherlands, was raised in Gabon and received his first degree from the University of Utrecht and his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Cornell University

John Mulholland
Now retired from The University of Chicago Law Library, John has served as a volunteer advisor to InterVarsity at The University of Chicago, prompted by a talk, now essay, by Dallas Willard entitled “The Redemption of Reason”, where he challenges all Christians, students, faculty and staff to engage their colleges and universities. John subsequently founded Redemption of Reason, a conference series, at The University of Chicago. He assisted with lunchtime faculty forum, Text and Truth, and later organized the forum in cooperation with InterVarsity and a local church.
While working with newly arrived books and journals at the Law Library, John had a eureka moment that has influenced his thinking ever since. He noticed one day that no book or article that ever arrived at the library closed with a line like, “This is the last book/ essay that will ever be written on constitutional law, tort law, family law, international treaties, et al,” reminding him of Paul’s line about all of us “seeing through a glass darkly.” What started as a calling to Christian engagement of academia, has grown into a larger human and Christian calling to serious, studied and wide ranging engagement of academia and culture. This has become an all- encompassing life interest and desire to share with others, for example, John’s frequent commentary on academia, culture and current at his Facebook group, The Charles Malik Society for Redeeming Reason.
John is married to Sandy, whose late father was a Methodist missionary builder and architect serving in India, where she learned to play the sitar and much else about India, thus sharing John’s international interests. Their children have shared in this - Erin spent time in Kenya and Sierra Leone on mission trips and recently visited several countries in Europe, and Brendon spent time traveling in India with Sandy and her brother and then on his own in England.
John can be contacted at johnmulholl@gmail.com

Chris Watkin
Christopher Watkin lectures in the French Studies at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. His research in modern and contemporary European thought explores ways of bringing antagonistic positions into conversation with one another.
Chris read Modern and Mediaeval Languages (French and German) at Cambridge, staying on to complete a PhD in modern French thought at Jesus College and a Junior Research Fellowship at Magdalene College. After working as a University Lecturer at Cambridge for two years, in 2011 he moved to Melbourne Australia with his wife Alison, taking up a job at Monash University where he has taught and supervised graduate projects in literature, philosophy, media studies and theology. Chris’s academic monographs include Phenomenology or Deconstruction? (2009), Difficult Atheism (2011), and French Philosophy Today (2016). He has published on a range of recent thinkers including Jacques Derrida, Paul Ricoeur, Jacques Rancière, Bruno Latour and Alain Badiou, and his forthcoming book on Michel Serres. You can read more about Chris’s work on his website, or follow him on Twitter.
Chris believes passionately in bringing the Bible into conversation with modern and contemporary secular thought, under the banner of audi alteram partem (listen to the other side). His books include Thinking Through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique, and volumes on Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze (forthcoming) in the P&R Great Thinkers series.
He curates thinkingthroughthebible.com, a web site with resources, seminars and book excerpts aimed at helping Christian university students and faculty to think biblically about life and work. The site is regularly updated with new resources and reflections on Christianity and academia. To find out more, you can subscribe to thinkingthroughthebible.com, like the Facebook page and follow its Twitter account.